my services

Work with me

If you are starting to notice changes in your body such as insomnia, weight gain, irritability, anxiety or hot flashes, you might be experiencing the reproductive transition known as perimenopause. These changes can last for years, and how you manage them can either positively or negatively impact the next 40-50 years of your life. It is up to you; however, you do not have to do this alone! Let me be your guide and together we can find the resources an evidence-based solutions that work for you!

This hour long session is designed to be an opportunity for us to get to know each other and to determine how I can best support you as you navigate your health journey. 

We will discuss how holistic coaching can help you feel your best, how the each session will be structured, and how setting goals can lead to your optimal health! 

At the end of this session, you will have a deeper understanding of your heath issues and clear guidance on what you can do to address them. Let's get started!

Introductory Session ($75 Value): Free

new client offer 50% Off Introductory Session

These single one-hour sessions are designed to offer coaching to the woman who may want to take advantage of menopause coaching on an as needed basis. These sessions can be booked in advance or when it is convenient for you.

Single Session ($150 Value): Pay What You Can

Premium 1:1 Single Session Coaching for Menopause

This is a four-week program designed to offer an individualized approach to navigating your perimenopause or menopausal journeys. Not every woman experiences menopause in the same way and may therefore want to discuss topics which are individualized to her. Choose any four of the above discussion topics or create your own topics for each hour-long discussion. Here are some examples:

  • Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Right for Me?
  • Preparing for Your Provider Visit
  • Menopause and Mental Health
  • Menopause and Sexual Health
  • Talking to your Partner About Perimenopause and Menopause

Four Sessions ($750 Value): Pay What You Can

Premium 1:1 30-Day Individualized Coaching for Menopause

This is a twelve-week program designed to offer a holistic approach to alleviating the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. There are twelve modules, and in each hour-long session we will cover a different topic. The modules are:

  • Module 1: Menopause 101
  • Module 2: Preparing to Make Lifestyle Changes
  • Module 3: Nutrition for Menopause
  • Module 4: The Power of Intermittent Fasting
  • Module 5: Menopause Mindset Makeover
  • Module 6: Gut Health Mastery
  • Module 7: Stress and Menopause
  • Module 8: Energy and Fatigue
  • Module 9: The Importance of Detoxification in Menopause
  • Module 10: Biohacking and Supplements
  • Module 11: Beauty and Self-Image
  • Module 12: Your Second Act and Beyond

Twelve Sessions ($1,500 Value): Pay What You Can

Premium 1:1 90-Day Lifestyle Coaching Program for Menopause

I am dedicated to helping women navigate the transformative journey of menopause with grace and empowerment.